Our Vision

All older adults are supported to live life to the full and realise their potential until their very last breath.

Our Mission

Our mission is to equip, enable and empower individuals and organisations to integrate Spirituality and Quality of Life into everyday practice.

Our Values

We Listen to you
We Care a lot
We Support you

What I Stand For

  • Facilitating care and services so every older person has a reason to live life to the full.
  • Recognising the spiritual dimension in ALL care and services.
  • Respecting people living with dementia are whole people who fully experience life, interactions, and emotions, and it’s up to us to work out meaningful ways of connecting with them.
  • Supporting older people to live the life they want in their way.
  • Clinical care that enables older people to live the life they want.
  • Assessments and care plans that focus on what the person can do.
  • Facilitating older people to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to realise their potential.
  • Managers and leaders who empower, support, trust, and believe in their front-line staff to care for the whole person.
  • Managers and leaders to recognise that when staff authenticly care for older people, they will experience grief and loss and they need and deserve to have this recognised and supported.
  • Connecting older people to their tribe, their families, their community, and their interests regardless of where they live.
  • Older people taking risks and using their agency to make decisions about what impacts and affects them.

What I Stand Against

  • Paternalistic care
  • The inconsistency that says emotional and spiritual needs of older people are important, but then the majority of the resources and priorities are placed on physical care – both should be seen as equally important and both prioritised and resourced.
  • Clinical care that is atomistic, siloed, and deficit-based so that it merely maintains health instead of enabling a person to live the life they want.
  • Attitudes to dementia that suggest a less-than-human belief such as ‘the lights are out and nobody is home’, words like demented as though the person is their condition.
Elizabeth Pringle

Elizabeth Pringle

Elizabeth Pringle

Elizabeth’s focus is on equipping individuals and organisations to offer quality of life to older people so they can live a meaningful, purposeful, and enriching life.

Elizabeth Pringle brings over 20 years management experience in the areas of executive management, learning and development and quality management in a range of industries particularly aged and community services. Elizabeth has many years experience in ageing and spirituality and this is now her primary area of focus.

Integrating Spirituality and Quality of Life

We want to walk this journey with you to make the changes that enable older people to live life to the fullest.

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