Professional Supervision for Aged Care

Professional Supervision is a negotiated, formal, professional relationship in which each person has a role to play, rights and responsibilities. The supervisor’s key task is to structure and facilitate the process of supervision, so the other professional (supervisee) can grow and learn in a safe, supportive, affirming environment. Unlike coaching and mentoring, Professional Supervision is between professional equals, with both contributing to the process.

Supervision interrupts practice. It wakes us up to what we are doing. When we are alive to what we are doing, we wake up to what is, instead of falling asleep in the comfort stories of our clinical routines and daily practice. The supervisory voice acts as an irritator interrupting stories (comfort stories) and facilitating the creation of new stories. Leach, J. & Paterson, M., Pastoral Supervision: A Handbook, Second Edition (SCM Press 2015), p.24.

Professional Supervision for Aged Care

“In a relationship of trust and transparency, supervisees talk about their work and through reflection and thoughtfulness learn from it and return to do it differently.” (Carroll, 2007)

Role of Professional Supervision

Adapted from: (Marcuccio, S. 2019) . Role of Professional Supervision. Diagram shown at Graduate Certification of Professional Supervision, Session 1 Intensive 11 March, 2019. Parramatta.

Where does Professional Supervision for Aged Care Fit with other Helping Professions?

Professional Supervision relates to your practice as a leader/manager in the workplace. However, as we are whole people, professional supervision intersects with other dimensions of our lives. Sometimes supervision brings clarity to a need in our lives and one of the actions may be refer that to the most appropriate professional.

What is Professional Supervision for Aged Care for?

Professional Supervision is for anyone who wants safe space to reflect on their practice in a way that is supportive and encourages growth through deep learning.

What is the Focus of Professional Supervision for Aged Care?

The focus of learning in supervision is the work- the practice of the supervisee. The supervisor is or becomes a facilitator of supervisee-learning-from-practice (reflective practice). The what-is-being-learned of supervision is anything to do with the work: theory, skills, induction into a profession, professional savvy and wisdom, skills and competencies, self-awareness, ethical awareness and sensitivity, ability to use intuition and that array of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and mind-sets that go to make up the professional in whatever profession. Carroll, M. (2010) Supervision: Critical Reflection for Transformational Learning (Part 2), The Clinical Supervisor, 29:1, 1-19,

What can Elizabeth Offer in Professional Supervision?

25years of executive management and leadership experience work with people


  • Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision
  • Master of Arts (Ageing and Pastoral Studies) with Distinction
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Master of Education in Adult Education
  • Chaplaincy Intern with Chaplaincy Australia with 2.5years experience
  • Elizabeth is an Associate member of AAOS (Australian Associate of Supervision)
  • During her internship, Elizabeth is being supervised through Group Supervision, Individual Supervision and participating in monthly professional development sessions in Professional Supervision.

What is the Investment?

FREE! There is absolutely NO CHARGE as Elizabeth is a Supervision Intern. Elizabeth is working towards gaining the required 3 years experience to be eligible to be a fully qualified supervisor.

What is the Usual Timeframe of the Service?

Professional Supervision is usually negotiated for an initial period i.e. 3 months. It is most effective at intervals of one hour every 4-6 weeks. Professional Supervision is based on reflective practice, so it is an ongoing process, hence there is no limit on the number of sessions.

Elizabeth Pringle

Elizabeth Pringle

Elizabeth Pringle

Elizabeth’s focus is on equipping individuals and organisations to offer quality of life to older people so they can live a meaningful, purposeful, and enriching life.

Elizabeth Pringle brings over 20 years management experience in the areas of executive management, learning and development and quality management in a range of industries particularly aged and community services. Elizabeth has many years experience in ageing and spirituality and this is now her primary area of focus.

Integrating Spirituality and Quality of Life

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